Sunday, December 04, 2005

Scooby Dooby Doo, Where Are You?

Well the other day after exercising I go to take a shower. Now Willow always has to come in the bathroom with me when I shower. Don't know why. Maybe it is because we kept her in there when we were at work when she was a puppy, and she feels it is still her home.....anyway, so we are in there. Get out, get dressed. and notice it is really really quiet in the rest of the house. I look at Willow like hmmm....I wonder what is going on....she looks at me like "I dunno...."

So I venture out of the bathroom, noticing there are no puppies in the house. The precious is sitting on the couch with a look on her face like, "what, I didn't do anything...." so I go to the door and call for them thinking they are in the backyard getting up to no good. Nothing.......
I yell again......still nothing....just an eerie silence answering me. Ok this is not good. I look frantically through the house to see if they are maybe under the bed or something which I they aren't. so I quickly put some shoes on, take the turban that is holding my wet hair off, and go out to my backyard. I start calling....Spiiiirriiiitttt, LLEEEEEOOOOO..........nothing.....walk down to one shed, yell again....Spiirrrriiiiit, Leeeeooooooo......nothing.....oh god. I am now thinking....did they get did they get out???

I walk up past the ponds looking in to see if there are any puppy floaters in I start my call again, Spirit.....Leo.....? My calls are getting shorter and more frantic.......where do I start looking, down the street behind us, if they shimmied thru the back fence, or do I start looking out the front.......when do I call Satan,,,,,to tell him I have lost the boys.....shit......mother fucker!!!! Ok one last call....Spirit......Leo.......still nothing.....

I go back inside. Willow is now looking at me like, "oh my god, whats going on!!!!" The precious is still looking at me from the couch, looking rather sheepishly......ok precious, what have you done to the boys.....

I then think wait a minute, they couldn't have......would they have?????? I walk into the kitchen and open the pantry door......and what do I see, two dog butts in the air, tails wagging, face first into the bag of puppy kibble, and a box of Scooby snacks on the floor...........they had obviously heard me and the little pigs picked up the pace of the frantic eating before they got caught.

Of course I was so excited to see them they didn't get into trouble. I just realized I need to completely shut the pantry door from now on......however, I do believe the precious had lured them in there with dreams of the promised land of puppy food..........

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