Saturday, November 06, 2004

4 Years is not 4 ever..........

My father would have turned 80 years old this week. Happy Birthday to you Dad! My Mother and Father would have been married 44 years this coming week. Happy Anniversary to you both!! My Father has been gone from this earth 21 years just October past. Mum will have been gone coming up to 2 years this coming February. After catching up on everyones blogs over the last couple of days, its interesting to see how many people are pissed off by the election. Yeah, I was frustrated, and disgusted for about a couple of hours, then got back to my daily grind....I did my part and voted, that is about as political as I can be. So what does the election and saying happy birthday to my father, and happy anniversary to my parents have in common? Absolutely nothing,...I think.....

However, if given the choice, I would live the rest of my life with "W" as president, if I could have my parents back. Even for four more years to have my parents back. But that isn't going to happen, and having "W" for president isn't forever. However, having my parents gone is forever.


Pisser said...

See, you tied it all together - I knew you could do it!

Me, on the other hand - I'd trade BOTH my parents to have W out of office.

I only hope I'm kidding. Ask me again in 4 years...!

Kata said...

Wow. Dad would be 80. That's such a friggin trip. I'm feelin old now. So in theory, as ancient as I am, I could be a grandmother if my 18-20 year old was promiscuous enough to reproduce already, making mum and dad great-grandparents. Eeek! If things were different...glad they aren't actually, as far as the kid thing goes....sorry, blown away by the age thing. Babbling incoherently.....

K said...

wait... mangey, are you my mom?????


okay, okay, i'll stop being mean to the old people now. :-D

i got freaked out a few years ago when i went to the pediatrician for the last time (i was 19), because i was the same age as some of the parents there.

DementedPhotographer said...

My father's birthday and their wedding anniversary would have been this month, too (more on that later). I think I miss them more with each passing day.

It is strange for me to be somewhere with my boys, the youngest being six, and I approach someone who is YOUNGER than me, ask how old their child is (always a good conversation starter), only to find out it's their grandchild. I just can't quite get used to that.


SJ said...

I'm still pissed about the election. I'm having a hard time dealing. I should just chill. But I can't. Maybe a little. And yes, 4 more years of Chimpy in exchange for my dad being here, right on. Vampy, are you and Mangey English? I'm pretty sure Satan is. You say "mum" so I've often wondered...

Pisser said...

They both snagged hot British guys, the scamps ;)

I wish I were British, then maybe I would not be as upset. But then my British friends ARE really upset, so scratch that-!

I think ultimately, it affects us all. Not to mention if you're a fan of our national parks... >:P

Greedy beady-eyed fuckwads.

bunny said...

I am disappointed about the election but also...the government doesn't really affect my day to day life. Politics is just so unimportant in my opinion.

SJ said...

Bunny, I don't want to turn Vampy's blog into my own tirade, but I just have to say one thing: Politics rules your life. These are the people making decisions about your body, your health, the air you breathe, the taxes you pay, the wars you enter, the school systems you are part of, the rights you do or do not have in day-to-day life in this country. You should care very much about it. (okay, that is all I'm saying. promise.)

Pisser said...

Thank you, SJ *sigh*

Yep, way too many people are dying because of decisions our government has made - and continues to make - FOR us. Think Erin Brockovitch.

We should all be scared spitless, although yes, we must go about our business...

Kata said...

...still trippin' on age thing...Yes Killy. I am your mother. Don't tell your siblings. I bribed those nice people into taking you years ago....

vampyregirl said...

Mangey and I are 1/2 english, as our mum was an english lass. Our dad was from the south...

Yes, this time of year has alot o' memories, NG...I think that is why I am over the holidays as they are just a bummer nowadays...

its ok to rant away SJ...I understand... I am not just the political rantest...I save my rants for work and people who piss me off each day...politics would have me in a permentant scowl of hatered, so I tend not to think of it as often...but when I am there,,,I sooo rant...

Yeah, Mangey, and is a trip on the age thing...and I was at work today with someone whos mother was my age!! NOw that is scary!! That means I would have been 19 when she was born!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Ok, will try and write a new blog tomorrow when I have more time...going to bed now...I have school tomorrow!

mD said...

just offering hugs, I have no idea just yet how it feels to have lost any parent, let alone how one fells feels when it comes to these occasions. Anyway, just to let you know there are peopple thinking bout you hun :)