Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Just A Quickie.....

So this is to be a quickie as I am trying to be on time today, as I have to meet a client at 10:30, to help her set up her store and help her merchandise everything. I am actually looking forward to this as I enjoy setting up displays and shit, it is the most creative part of my job. I then need to schedule a time to work with her on working on her business plan as she is starting a new business. That will probably be next week, as today needs to be just getting everything unpacked.

It is also Satan's birthday so I have a date with him to go climbing in the afternoon. He is taking the day off. Which he only informed me over the weekend, when I had already made plans for today, and I can't reschedule. He never takes his birthday off, but I guess turning 33 today is a celebration. Well, good for him, as he usually is a workaholic, so it is nice to see he actually takes days off.

I had insomnia last night, I had a feeling I was going to. And usually when I get insomnia it stays for about 3 days, so I have two more nights of this. I think maybe it has something to do with the moon. I usually have trouble sleeping around a full moon, and seeing that it is on Friday, that would make sense. Maybe I am part werewolf. Hmmm. Not hairy enough to be one.

Ok, best go sing happy birthday to Satan, then off to work, so unfortunately, there will be no blogging for me until I get home this evening!! Damn work, it gets in the way of everything!!


bunny said...

Do you do visual merchandising stuff? A friend of mine does that at Neimans - no wait, he just changed to Saks. He's a found object artist too but won't sell his work because he thinks most people are idiots.

Pisser said...

Insomnia...woo! Please send some.

vampyregirl said...

That is part of my job is to do visual merchandising, I also have to work on business plans and stuff too, the fun stuff is the merchandising.

Hopefully the insomnia won't last too long tonight.

bunny said...

My translation of found object artist: He's clinically obsessive compulsive and goes hunting for garbage at flea markets and garage sales. He then creates these massive collages and sculptures.

The one I have is the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and the Sacred Heart under chicken wire. He has several dress form dummies that he's written the names of cold cuts on and a lot of religious and sexual stuff. He has a table with hundreds of softballs under glass, and he's put different numbers on the glass. I don't know what that's supposed to be about. He has two really interesting pieces with old Bakelite dishes and anatomical renderings of a man and a woman on them with different odd things thrown in there too.