Thursday, June 24, 2004

A Pretty Good Day,,,,How Did That Happen??

I actually had a pretty good day today, they actually do come along once in awhile so here are some highlights:

1. I actually got carded at beverages and more!! Not a big deal to some, but since I haven't gotten carded in ages this was a major happy moment!!

2. This woman at one of the accounts I went to today said I looked like the chick from Evanecense (don't know how to spell it). Not a bad comparison, as she is probably 16 years younger than me and she has really cool hair!

3. I went to the climbing gym today and had a ton of energy and climbed really well!! I actually made it up all the climbs I attempted!!

4. I was late getting to work, but then realized I don't have a boss watching over me, so no one knew I was late!!

5. On the way home I realized it's Friday tomorrow and its pay day!!

so lets all hope that tomorrow isn't pay back for an actual pretty good day! But how could it, it's Friday tomorrow after all.....................


vampyregirl said...
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vampyregirl said...

yes, I too was amazed that Satan was impressed with my climbing ability!! He who is freakishly strong and can climb anything, but I guess to be Satan, you would have to be freakishly strong. Have you ever seen a wimpy Satan??