Wednesday, August 25, 2004


We have to take Ghostie to the vet today. Yesterday we came home and discovered her limping around on her back leg. She was fine when we left her yesterday. So we are thinking maybe she fell off the deck or slid on the hardwood floor while we were gone. I am nervous. I always get nervous to take Ghost into the vet since her gravel eating experience.

When we lived at our old house we had the dog food in the garage, and I put some cod liver oil that was for the precious girl in there as well next to the dog food. Well Ghost is always getting into shit that she shouldn't..(peanut containers, my lipstick, chocolate wrappers..etc. etc) so one day she is out roving around in the backyard and we left the door in the garage open so the dogs could go in there if it got to hot outside..Anyway, Ghost found the oil, and took it out back. She managed to open up the bottle and proceeded to dump out the oil onto the white gravel we had in the backyard (it was actually chips of stone that was crushed down from a fireplace), anyway while she is lapping up the oil, she is injesting gravel..Well she got sick..Really really sick, so much so that she could barely stand up, and when she did she looked like she was drunk..

We take her to the vet, thinking that its just the oil she has gotten sick on, until the vet comes out and tells us that she may not make it as she has about a pound of gravel in her stomach, and doesn't know how well she will pass it through her system. So they kept her overnight to watch her, and every hour they took X-rays of her stomach to see if the gravel was passing. Luckily she made it..But ever since then, I am always scared to take her to the vet...

So Satan is coming home early to take her in, as she is too heavy for me to lift, and she doesn't like the linoleum floors of the vets office anyway, and refuses to walk on the floor, and the last time I was there with her for a check up, me and the vet tech had to carry her through to the exam room like she was the queen or something. Not going to do that again..So it is Satan's job to do today...I probably will go with them, but will be so nervous, I keep saying it is just her leg...She will be ok,,,but the nervous mother in me, thinks that my baby is dying..I will update as soon as I learn what is wrong with her...


Kookla said...

I hate taking my animals to the vet. Even to get their shots. I'm always so worried they are going to tell me something bad. I feel your pain!

Smiley said...

If she is getting older maybe she is like my Rott. He started getting cramps, so the whole diet had to change. I took him to the vet fearing the worse too.

K said...

Aww, poor Ghostie! Give her hugs and kisses for me! I'm sure she'll be okay. Huskies are tough dogs... they pull sleds on the fuckin' frozen tundra, fergawdsake! ;-)

Kata said...

oh the Toaster worse off today? I haven't heard from you,how is she doing? Her auntie is waiting and wringing hands in dispare! Call or email missy.

vampyregirl said...

Ghostie is as fine as she can be...she has really bad hips and arthritis and she will have to be on these pills for basically the rest of her life..but we had xrays taken which cost alot too, so it was a very expensive office visit, $350.00 and now we will have to be spending $90 a month on pills for her....but if it keeps her from being in pain, it is totally worth it!

K said...

Flex, bichons are sweet dogs, but kinda dumb. I just love the furry little dustmops, though!

Kata said...

I told you about when Moosely shat paisley-turned out to be my missing hair tie. Damn curs....